The Development of Agropolitan Area as a New Step to Uplift the Existence of Coffe Industry

The Development of Agropolitan Area as a New Step to Uplift the Existence of Coffee Industry

Agropolitan is a concept of spatial development that intended to stimulate economic activity in an agriculture-based area so one's agribusiness system could perform well. Structurally, an agropolitan area programme are consisted of production central area or hinterland and agribusiness centre area called farm city or miniland. In order to transform an area into an independent area, a structured and sustainable planning concept is required. A development agropolitan planning programme started on 2002 involving eight sectors in Bali. The basic of agriculture in an agropolitan development planning involved sub-sectors of crop, horticulture, husbandry, plantation, and fishery. In 2003, this program was expanded because of the strategic values it has especially its concept of agropolitan area that focused on the local's economy and socio-cultural, one of them with high a economy prospect is coffee industry.
Nowdays, that black-coloured drink which is less likely will never be replaced by any kinds of drink in the world shows an even more growing trend in global prospect. Because of its huge potential to support the province's economy, if taken care professionally since early stage, the coffee industry will be Kalimantan's top commodity in the future. Mulawarman University's academician Dr. Zulkarnain stated that coffee is a commodity crop with high prospect mainly because Kaltim's quite vast agricultural land. However, the planning system that was planned by the goverment wasn't being adjusted with its agriculture space despite Kaltim's vision toward natural resources economics. Regarding to those issues, will agropolitan development particularly in Kalimantan Timur (kaltim) manage to become a way to increase coffee industry existence? What factors and which parties will support the nesecessity of agropolitan area programme development to increase economic condition? What reasons and solutions can be provided so that agropolitan area programme can become a mandatory focused to be developed in Kalimantan Timur?
Kaltim's plantation department noted that coffee production in Kaltim in the year 2013 with coffee plantation area of 8.049 Ha manage to produce 1.365 ton coffee beans. A vast coffee plantation area could be found in East Kutai Regency (Sangatta and Kaliorang Subdistrict) West Kutai Regency (Damai and Linggang Subdictrict), Kartanega Kutai Regency (Samboja, Muara Jawa, Loa Kulu and Loa Janan Subdictrict), Paser Regency (Muara Koman, Kuaro, Long Ikis, Paser Belengkong and Long Kali Subdistrict), North Penajajam Paser (Waru and Penajam Subdistrict), Berau Regency (Talisyan, Gunung Tabur and Kelay Subdistrict), Malinau Regency (Malinau and Mentarang Subdisctrict), Nunukan Regency (Nunukan, Lumbis, Sebatik and Sembakung Subdisctrict), Samarinda City (North Samarinda and Palaran Subdisctrict) (Disbun,2014). The amount of places of coffee plantation indicate that Kalimantan Timur, especially in Samarinda City which become the main focus of coffe industry has a chance to apply agropolitan area programme in Samarinda. This matter caused by several supporting factors such as lot of empty land that can be seen as a opportunity that can be converted into coffee plantation area.
Looking at Kalimantan Timur potential, coffee still can't be considered as the main commodity compared to palm oil plantation. Coffe could still flourish even in infertile soil. This matter become a strong consideration that coffee plantation is suitable and need to be developed especially with the huge amount of notable coffee coffee shop and coffeehouse such as KONUS, D’ORANGE, and more than 10 coffee shop that established in Samarinda required affordable material. Judging by the business opportunity, if Samarinda able to meet those coffee requirements, then it will directly impact Kaltim economic to grow even further, decreasing imported material needed and also to guarantee people prosperity. Therefore, not only as businessman who establish a business, but also an effort to provide the required material. This matter corresspond with the principle of well-balanced development of agriculture and industrial sector. By developing supporting sectors, the agriculture sector will be more developed through joint mechanism and increase jobs at once (Todaro,1994).
As an organised agriculture programme and its management rationally designed to create a high commercial value by producing goods and services demanded by the market, an innovation and creativity are needed in a bid to developed a coffee industry. As an example, agropolitan area will also stimulate another industry such as tourism. The concept agropolitan area programme which share an idea of availability of material and the production process could establish a coffee shop around that area and Samarinda coffee product as souvenir for the tourist with self made uniqueness. The solution we provide are concluded by questionnare that stated many coffee lover wanted a coffee with uniqueness and other 36,8 % coffee lover choosed an open door coffee location rather than an elegant and classic style coffe place.
Goverment on this case has a role to support the creation of agropolitan area in Samarinda that covers infrastructure development, land availability, seeds subsidy, and technical class to coffee farmer and coffee industry businessman. According to RPJMD Kaltim 2018 vision in natural resources optimization in order to improve regional economy, this matter also share the same idea with the development of agricultre area which intended to develop economy based on agriculture in agribusiness area which designed and conducted by synergize various type of area's potential to support the development of for the people, self-help, partnering, and continous agribusiness system and business model (Mahi, 2014:24-25). The purpose of for the people principle is a massive creation of agropolitan area intented for people welfare and able to improve people independent.

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